TelcoNews Australia - Telecommunications news for ICT decision-makers

Bevan Slattery stories

Bevan Slattery, a profound contributor to the digital infrastructure sector, explores groundbreaking territories with each thoughtful piece. His interests lay in innovative technologies such as the Megaport Virtual Edge platform, which embodies the next generation of SD-WAN services through pioneering collaborations. Slattery delves deep into how this can streamline cloud connectivity, illustrating his engagement with cutting-edge networking solutions.

In another intriguing exploration, Slattery sheds light on 'VIDAR', a potential technological behemoth poised to surpass 5G in its impact. Developed by FiberSense, VIDAR uses fiber optic cables to capture and analyze vibrations, promising to transform the mapping landscape. This reflects his quest to delve into technologies that challenge conventional boundaries and offer radical new perspectives on usefulness and application.

Slattery's keen interest in the business strategies of major tech entities is evident as he discusses Cloudscene's strategic move to enhance its advisory board with execs from AWS, Netflix, and Digital Realty. This manoeuvre is aimed at bolstering the company’s market position, showcasing his acumen in understanding the interfaces of technology and enterprise growth.

His attention to significant infrastructure developments is captured as he reports on the activation of Western Australia's $300 million high-speed telecommunications cable. This project, which connects Australia directly to vital global markets, highlights his focus on transformative projects that have substantial regional and global implications.

Furthermore, Slattery examines leadership dynamics within tech companies, exemplified by his coverage of Reggie Naik's appointment as COO of Soda Infrastructure. This piece not only highlights key personnel movements but also underscores Slattery’s interest in how executive leadership can drive major infrastructural projects like HyperOne and SUBCO, forwarding industry innovation and growth.